Wednesday, March 4, 2009

RC Sculpt Update

Here is an update on the RC helmet sculpt. I added some detail to the brow of the helmet above the visor, worked on the ears a little and added some detail to the back as well.

After I get most of the main features sculpted in, I will eventually smooth the surfaces and sharpen the lines and corners. Then I will add the finer details into the sculpt.


  1. Looking good! If you don't mind me asking what type of clay do you use? I have been trying to sculpt some parts for a republic commando blaster im making (actually one I built from a schematic I bought from skip heh) and was wondering if you had any suggestions on what would be best for these small parts? Thanks :D

  2. Thanks Joepet4! I've been using Klean Klay which is an oil based clay which doesn't harden and can be re-used over and over again. I would also suggest trying out Apoxie Sculpt which is almost what Skip uses (Milliput) that can be sculpted for about 2 hours thereafter it hardens like a rock and can be sanded, cut or dremeled after 24 hours. Good luck and I hope this helps!

  3. WOW! Looks great! You did that with Klean Klay??!! Amazing! I use it too but not for sculpting, I find it too soft. Everytime I sulpt one area it gets ruined when I move onto another by me handling it.


  4. Awsome, thanks, can't wait to try it out! :D

  5. Thanks for the bigger pics mate. Can really appreciate what your doing now. ;)

  6. NP! Thanks for letting me know.

  7. Bigger pix are better! You wanna show the details right?!

  8. Hey man your site is excellent because you get on with mine segidor
